This World Alone follows three women living in seclusion following a cataclysmic event that left the Earth without technology or power. Sam (Belle Adams, Bless This Mess)—a book-obsessed girl in her late teens—lives with her two mother-figures (Carrie Walrond Hood, Teenage Bounty Hunters & Sophie Edwards, Guacamole Yesterdays). But after an accident, she’s pushed out of her protective world and forced to put her makeshift parents’ opposing world-views to the test as she faces the physical and emotional challenges of a world reclaimed by nature.



“This World Alone is quietly thought-provoking. The film turns its minimal budget into an asset and applies a plain, quasi-vérité style to its exploration of religion vs. spirituality. ” 

Elisabeth Vincentelli, The New York Times, Feb. 18, 2022

“An indie film which does not allow a lack of money and time get in the way of the story it is telling. Wisely uses the beauty of nature to catch our eye. The script is solid. Filled with a bunch of surprise moments.”

Carey-Ann Pawsey, OrcaSound, May 21, 2021

“Thought-provoking and bolstered by great performances and memorable cinematography. Fans of character-driven genre films should check this out.”

Trent Neely, Battle Royale with Cheese, May 11, 2021

“The minimal casting and lush visual language gives the film the intimate space to explore strength, weakness and survival—and nature’s lack of gender bias in those arenas.”
Meredith Alloway, Filmmaker Magazine, March 18, 2019

“Beautifully shot. Wonderfully done. An incredible film.”
Jaime' En Fuego, Enfuegotainment, March, 29, 2020

“Intimate direction and slow-burn pacing. A powerful story. An excellent film.”
Jessica Baxter, Hammer to Nail, February 11, 2019

“What impressed me most here, beyond the acting of Belle Adams as Sam in a performance full of the fierce independence of a young Sissy Spacek, is the way that the filmmakers do so much with so little.”
Hal Astell, Nerdvana, April 6, 2019